Friday, June 6, 2008

Non-Stress Test

I had my first non-stress test today to monitor baby Peter, and everything went well. I got to relax in a recliner for about 25 minutes while belts around my stomach measured Peter's heartrate and any contractions I was having. They're looking for a good, strong heartbeat and also that it speeds up and slows down at various points during the test. For example, the baby's heartrate should increase slightly right after moving around a lot. Peter passed the test with flying colors, and my blood pressure and his amniotic fluid level (which they measure by ultrasound) were great. I go back next Tuesday and Friday for the same thing -- honestly, it's the least invasive and most relaxing test I've had during this pregnancy!

After the non-stress test, David, Kim, the boys, and I headed over to the Zoo. We had a good day! We got to see lots of beautiful birds, gorillas, hippos, orangutans, a polar bear, a panda bear, and other stuff. Jack decided he did NOT want to ride the Skyride (the easiest way up to the Polar Bear exhibit), so we didn't force the issue and we ended up walking our way up there. It was a long walk with a fair number of hills, but we made it (and Jack walked the entire way, minus the 30 seconds he was on David's shoulder before he decided that he was up too high!). It wasn't too bad, and I know walking is a good way to encourage Peter to come out, but we were all pretty worn out as we headed back to the car.

At lunch time, Jack saw a snack cart with a display of cotton candy, and Jack asked David what it was. David told him "Oh, it's just something you can stuff a pillow with" (like that polyester filling). Jack seemed satisfied, and dropped the subject, and we ate our lunch. Then all of a sudden, Jack piped up with "I need one of those pink things for MY pillow!" -- which I thought was a pretty clever way of trying to take one home. Something that pink and fluffy must be wonderful, whatever it's purpose was :).

I did take a couple of pictures today, but not as many as I had planned to. The Zoo was pretty crowded with school field trips and stuff, and it was a decent amount of work to keep Jack and Thomas from wandering off into the weeds, so to speak. But, it was a good outing -- the boys were worn out (although no extra bonus nap time, unfortunately) and once again, it might be our final outing before Peter arrives. Then again, maybe not! Thank God (and everyone who has been praying for us!) for my good health, Peter's good health, and my good mental and physical state as we continue The Wait.

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