Monday, March 30, 2009

Where to begin?

It seems like so much has been happening lately, but when I had a few minutes to sit down and write this post, I wasn't sure where to begin!

David is getting over a cold that he has this past weekend. Fortunately, I don't think anyone else has it (yet!).

Jack's allergies have really been bothering him lately, although since David came down with that cold, I'm wondering if some of his symptoms could have been cold-related. I suppose time will tell. We're all stocked up on new medications from his allergy doctor, so hopefully we can find something that will give him a little relief.

It seems like we've had quite a few colds/flus recently, and strangely enough, the electronics around our house have had trouble staying healthy also! It's almost becoming ridiculous, like the electronics have some sort of suicide pact going among themselves.

In the last year, we've had these casualties (some we've been able to repair, others have had to be replaced): a CPU, a chest freezer, a computer modem, a phone, a bread machine, a toaster oven, a DVD player, a CD player, and now my beloved Kitchenaid is dying (I think I burned out the motor kneading bread) and our microwave is acting up.

But, on the upside, I've been forced to use a no-knead method of making bread and I absolutely love the results. It's much easier than traditional bread methods, and it's some of the best bread I've ever made. I found the book at the library, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, but they also have a website:

Here is the basic recipe (I don't use a baking stone, just a Silpat-covered cookie sheet, and mine turns out fine):

Using this recipe, I was able to make pita bread for the first time, and it really worked! They puffed up, had a pocket, and tasted great.

Well, the boys are up and about now, so Manic Monday has officially begun!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So it begins

Over the last couple of days, Peter has mastered the army crawl. When he sees something worthy of investigation, he beelines right to it (and fast).

Jack thinks his army crawling is hilarious, and he shouts "Peter's crawling! Peter's crawling!" but I think Thomas is a little more of a realist. His response is more like "No, Peter, no! He's getting me!" (Peter loves to attack ankles now ... maybe he's envious? ;) ).

Peter has also developed an air of bemusement about everything. He's not an especially giggly baby, but many times I catch him with a look of "Hmm, that's amusing" on his face. It's mixed in with a little baby-arrogance, too, like it's everyone's job around here to amuse him. He's a funny little guy.

So, here we go! We have Jack who doesn't know the meaning of the word "walk", Thomas who runs just like Mario in Super Mario Brothers (arms out and everything!), and Peter who is on a covert op wherever he goes. Three boys on the move!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby sitting

Four-year olds are interesting little creatures. Over the last couple of weeks, everytime I leave the room for a few minutes, Jack calls out "OK, Mom! I'll babysit Peter for you!".

I was grateful for his offer to help, and told him so, but everytime he offered to babysit, he kept wrapping his arms around Peter's middle, rolling him around, hefting him up, etc. I told him several times that he was being too rough with Peter, but he didn't really stop. I asked him why he kept bothering Peter like that, and Jack matter-of-factly said "I'm babysitting him, Mom. That means I have to make him sit".

Baby ... sit, literally. :).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thank God for good health!

We're finally all in good health! Let's hope it stays like this for a while. The weather is warm and sunny, and the boys helped me plant sugar snap peas, lettuce, radishes, and carrots after Mass this morning.

Yesterday was Jack's Opening Day for T-ball, and we had a great time. Aunt Wheetah and baby Michael made the trip, and that was such a treat. Jack got to ride in the back of a decorated pickup truck as part of a parade, and he thought that was awesome! Something about beautiful spring weather and little boys in baseball uniforms makes me unreasonably happy :). I'm glad we have many more years of baseball playing ahead of us!

Thomas in his "uniform" for Opening Day.

Jack and the other boys in their parade truck.

Coach Campbell with his players -- Jack is on the far right.

Jack in uniform.

Peter, with snaggletooth visible.

What Thomas gets to do when Jack is away at baseball practice :).

Peter playing peekaboo with his shirt.

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