Thursday, June 5, 2008

40wks+1 day update

I had a good dr's appointment today. Peter is doing well and is definitely head down (my dr did a quick ultrasound just to be sure). However, I'm not dilated or effaced at all and Peter is still way up high, so nothing much in the way of progress yet. My dr thinks Peter is probably in the high 7lb or low 8lb range right now, which doesn't sound too bad to me (and at this point, my dr isn't worried about his size either). Inducing isn't really an option at this point since my body is nowhere near ready to go into labor on its own -- plus inducing (unless there's a very good reason) isn't as safe since I've had c-section and the harder contractions can place stress on the scar. So, I have an appointment next Friday, the 13th, to see what's happening at that point, and depending on how much progress I've made by then, we might make plans to induce within a few days after that. I'm comfortable with that time frame. I'm happy to wait it out a bit longer and give Peter a chance to come on his own, hopefully. But I definitely don't want to go over 42 weeks since the placenta starts to age, and there's a risk of meconium in the amniotic fluid and bad stuff like that! I'm actually feeling pretty calm and easygoing about it, which is a blessing! Anyway, keep us in your prayers as we enter the home stretch of this journey!

Tomorrow we head to the Zoo after my non-stress test in the morning, and Kim is planning to come with us! It should be a blast!

1 comment:

GrammyG said...

I am glad that your visit went so well. Prayerfully the stress test will also prove healthy.
I am pleased that you are calm about all this.
As much as Dad and I would love to see you all at the zoo, we know there will be many opportunities to do so. I am sure you will all have a wonderful time there. Please take lots of pictures, and we will be excited to hear any stories about the day.

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