Wednesday, May 14, 2008

37 Weeks

So I've been sort of rounding up my # of weeks pregnant (like by the weekend I start thinking of myself as one more week pregnant, even though Wednesday is my actual turnover day) ... so now it's officially exactly 3 weeks until my due date :).

I'm torn between feeling like there's an infinity of pregnancy (this reminds me of "I already made like a 'finity of them at boyscout camp" :) ) left, and not enough time! David wants me to start sitting on a towel in our minivan in case my water breaks while I'm driving somewhere :). I feel silly doing it this early, but he does have a point. And having my water break at some inconvenient place or time has always been one of my little worries toward the end of pregnancy -- what if my water breaks at Church? The car? Our couch? Someone else's couch? It can't hurt to be prepared (as much as one can be prepared for this kind of thing).

My 37-week appointment went well yesterday. My doctor poked and prodded Peter and thinks that he might weigh close to 7 lbs already. Ack! He probably has a few more weeks of cooking left! My doctor wants to see if we can keep Peter under 8 lb 11 oz (Thomas's birth weight) since his size was part of the reason I needed a c-section. However, David pointed out to me last night that it wasn't just Thomas's overall weight, but really more his ginormous head that prevented him from descending during labor. So Peter can be kind of chubby as long as his head isn't too big. Thomas's head is still huge -- it's bigger than Jack's is! And there's not much I can do about genes. But, just to try and help, my doctor wants me to watch my sugar and carb intake over the next few weeks since that "goes straight to the baby". I don't think it should be too hard. Peter is starting to squish my stomach, so I don't really feel as hungry as I had been feeling.

I think yesterday was likely the last time that Kim and I will have share the same appointment date. I start going every week now, and she goes back in 3 weeks. I think we've had around 4-5 appointments on the same day, and it's been awesome to carpool together and grab lunch afterward. Yesterday Kim and I had different times, but she stuck around so she could watch Jack and Thomas in the waiting room while I had my appointment, which was great. It is such a huge blessing to be pregnant at the same time she is. Pregnancy is an amazing experience to begin with, but to share it (especially on such a close timeframe) with my sister and best girlfriend is such a treasure. There are things I know I'll miss after I've had Peter, like feeling him kick inside, the sense of expectation and awaiting -- and sharing this experience with Kim is definitely one of them. But I know this is just the beginning, and I look forward to a lifetime of our babies and families growing up together!

In other news, Thomas had his follow-up orthopedic appointment this morning, and his ankle is 100% healed from his fracture. They were a little concerned because the break was near a growth plate, but the x-ray today showed that the growth plate looks great and he doesn't need any more follow-ups. Hooray! I do wonder, considering his daring spirit, if there will be more broken bones in his future... somehow I really wouldn't be surprised, and I can't (and wouldn't dream of) take the boyness or boldness out of him, so we'll see. I'll just have to do my best to make sure he's as safe as reasonably possible.

Tomorrow the boys have their 4-year old and 2-year old check ups (Jack has been telling me "I don't need any shots tomorrow!"). So I'll update again if there is anything interesting.

1 comment:

GrammyG said...

WOW! Only 3 weeks left. It seems like (as I thought) June and July have gotten here so quickly. I know for you and for Kim, it probably seems like forever to get here.
Please rest when you can, I know that is not easy. If there is anything I/we can do to help now please let us know. All this running around for doctor appointments I'm sure is draining for you. I pray the boys are helping by being cooperative for you. I am sure they are.
Continue to take care of yourself and again if we can assist you in any way, let us know.
Love to all

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