Monday, October 12, 2009

Lessons in apartment living

It's a little bit more difficult adjusting to apartment living (with 3 kids) than I had envisioned. I find myself a lot more worried about taking care of the carpet, the walls, the furniture, etc. because none of it is "mine". In all the apartments I've ever been in, I've never worried about being a bad tenant. I've always taken reasonably good care of the apartments, never damaged anything, never gotten complaints about being too noisy, etc. Now I find myself in an apartment along with 3 rambunctious boys, and there is a lot more potential damage and noise that I have to try and minimize. For starters...

This afternoon I got a call from the apartment office asking if we could possibly keep our kids from thumping on the floor too much, because the elderly man living below us called and complained. The office manager lady was very nice about it, and said that she totally understood that we have 3 kids and there's going to be a bit of noise, and she said that the man below us is very nice, but a little bothered by the loud thumping footsteps. Now, David and I had already been correcting Jack, especially, since we moved in, because we have also noticed that he's been extra bouncy and we can tell that the floor vibrates when he gets crazy. But honestly it's not too bad (or maybe I'm so used to it that it doesn't register as much as it should), and it's here and there (not constant) and never between 7PM-7AM. I hoping that no one would really notice the extra kid noise (that was probably a little naive), but I was a little surprised that we had already received a complaint after just being here 3 days! We haven't had any loud crying, temper tantrums, etc. that are bound to come around sooner or later. I wonder how Mr. Elderly Neighbor will tolerate those! So, we can definitely work harder on the bouncing and thumping footsteps, but beyond that I'm not sure how much else I can minimize the general kid noise that 3 little boys generate. I feel terrible about it, because I'm sure the man below us isn't used to all this, but we can't force the kids to live like mice out of fear of offending someone. We'll have to work on that balance. Maybe I'll see if we can request a dowstairs apartment for the next rotation.

For the time being, I can be stricter about enforcing a "walk only" rule in the apartment. I know a lot of it is my own fault -- I remember growing up that we weren't allowed to run in the house, but for some reason I went ahead and let the boys run around at home in Ramona. I figured there was no one else to bother, they didn't have a yard to do their running in, and it didn't bother me, so why not? Unfortunately, now it comes back to haunt me, and I have to untrain them from the bad habit I let them develop.

On the other side, though (if I stop stewing and force myself to think constructively), all of this is a good lesson in being considerate of others, which is more important for the kids to learn than for them to be allowed to run in the house. I think, in general, that apartment living is making me appreciate stewardship in a new light. Nothing here in Buffalo is mine, and therefore I feel obligated to treat it better than if it were mine. But, honestly, nothing in Ramona was "mine" either, so I should have held myself to the same standards and treated everything a little better there than I did, too.


GrammyG said...

I was missled by the pictures. I did not know that you were on a second floor. Oh dear!
I am sure after a short retraining the boys will do fine. Maybe a plate of cookies to Mr. Neighbor couldn't hurt either.
God bless you and all your adventures in adventures.
We will keep in touch.
Love to all

KB. said...

Wow! I'm so surprised! The adult son of my upstairs neigbor apparently moved back home and he is LOUD! Music blasting, loud thumping, the whole deal...


a) I don't feel like I have the right to complain because it's during the day and people are going to make some noise! It's not at people are expected to be quiet as mice 24 hours? Seriously?

b) If it was problematic, I would probably start with a note or mentioning it in passing when I saw them instead of tattling on them to the landlord.

c) It's ok to complain when people are being rude, but it's another when people are just living their life! A grownup blasting music too loudly is being rude...three kids in an apartment...that's just living!

Well, don't stress about it. I think Mom is right. Maybe if the boys go with you to deliver cookies, they'll get to see him face to face. They are good boys and they care about others, so if they know they have to be more quiet for Mr. So-and-So's sake, it might be easier for them to remember.

Secondly, it will hopefully let him see how nice you and the boys are, and take it a little easy. It's easier to complain about an anonymous entity, but a little harder to complain a sweet person with feelings and who is just trying her best to raise kids.

That guy is just as responsible for being aware of the cost of apartment living as you. Yes, the boys have to adjust...but he also has to recognize that apartment living is living in community...with other people...if he wants to live in a place where he isn't aware that people live around him, then he needs to live somewhere other than an apartment building!

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