Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Settling in

We made it safe and sound to Colorado Springs! The last week is kind of a blur with all the cleaning, organizing, packing, and flying, but somehow we actually made it and we're in our new "home away from home" for the next 6 months.

We breathed a big sigh of relief when we got to our rental house. It has plenty of room, and the boys immediately started running and jumping and bouncing around the house. It's feels almost unnatural to let them do this, since I've been on "thump patrol" for the past 6 months in the apartment. It really is nice to let them be kids and not worry about it bothering anyone (except maybe David and I, but now we can ask them to play downstairs when they get too rowdy, and the noise is much more tolerable!).

The sun is much brighter and stronger here, which makes it feel similar to sunny San Diego. We are closer to home, and it really feels like it, so there is some comfort in that.

We signed the boys up for swimming lessons and summer T-ball at the YMCA, so things will start getting busier next month when the lessons begin. We went to our nearest public library and signed up for a library card, and we were floored by the size and modern-ness of the library. It's HUGE and it even has a coffee shop in the lobby!! I think we'll be spending lots of time there in the next 6 months.

We're still waiting for the rest of our belongings to arrive on the moving truck, but for now it's kind of nice living simply out of the stuff we could carry in our suitcases. There aren't mounds of toys for the boys to put away, or mountains of clothes to wash and fold (granted, I have been doing lots of tiny loads, but something about a ginormous laundry pile really gets to me!).

I think it's going to be a good 6 months, in many ways easier than the last 6 months, and I plan on making the most out of it!


GrammyG said...

Yeah for lots of room and no downstairs neighbors. I am so glad that you will have more peace in your new home away from home.
Can't wait until we can see some pics of your new place.
Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Unknown said...

Hi Kathy: The kids and I have been praying like crazy for you. I'm glad you're there and starting to settle in.

I loved living in Colorado Springs and I'm sure you will too.

I can't wait to see the pictures.

Miss you all terribly.

Love you,


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