Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Magic Eraser, I think I love you

I was so excited the other day when I used a Magic Eraser to tackle some of the scratches and scuffs on our apartment's walls -- and they really, truly came right off! When we moved in, the apartment had freshly painted walls and new carpet, but 6 months worth of living has left its mark. I know I won't be able to get the walls and carpet to look perfect again, but I'm willing to put in a little effort to get them more presentable.

Fortunately, we've never had any of the kids take a crayon or marker to the walls, but they've used the walls as "roads" for their cars, airplanes, blocks, you-name-it, and the result has been some pretty scuffy looking walls. I've used the Magic Eraser before at our house in Ramona, but the wall paint had more texture, so the results weren't quite as impressive as they've been here.

Anyway, the Erasers disintegrate quickly, so I've already gone through 4 of them! I bought a couple more boxes of Target brand generic Erasers to tackle any remaining scuffs after the movers come on Monday, plus do the baseboards and whatever else needs to be shined up a little. For some reason, using the Erasers is kind of fun (little effort = big results), so I'm almost looking forward to it!

1 comment:

GrammyG said...

Yeah! Isn't it wonderful to find the little things that make our lives a little easier.
I pray that the clean up will go smoothly for you.
Love to all

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