Saturday, September 17, 2011

Summer Rambo

For me, the words "summer rambo" immediately brings to mind something like the image below:

How could they not?   What else could a summer rambo possibly be?

As it turns out, the house that we'll be renting in MD is on a street called Summer Rambo.  We found out a couple of days ago that they accepted our rental application and now we just need to sign the lease and we're al set!  We're really excited because we think it will be a great house for us. 

The street name, though, really puzzled us, because it just seems like "summer" and "rambo" don't have any business being thrown together like that.  Granted, we have come across much worse street names in our travels (Purgatory Dr. and Deliverance Rd. in Colorado Springs, and even Maleady Drive in VA reminded me too much of "malady").  Still, it seemed like there must be an interesting story behind Summer Rambo.

We learned, actually, that it's a type of apple.  Many of the streets in that area are named after apple varieties, and someone picked Summer Rambo for our street.  Now, why in the world someone decided to call an apple Summer Rambo is beyond me, but there it is.

So, David has a great job, we have a house, and slowly but surely our to-do list is growing smaller and smaller.  It's been quite a while since the stress in our lives has been on the decrease rather than the increase, and the change is very welcome.  Next on the list is having this baby!  I'm due exactly 2 weeks from today, and I'm starting to get a little restless.  My body is kind of limping its way through these last weeks of pregnancy.  I'm healthy, thank goodness, and the important stuff like blood pressure are normal, and I'm even keeping up OK with taking care of David, the boys, homeschooling, the house, etc.  But everything seems harder with a big, cumbersome tummy in the way, and I'm just plain tired.  :).  Again, that's par for the course at 38 weeks, but it's humbling!

At doctor's appointment last week, my doctor seemed very confident that I'd be able to have a successful VBAC.  He was much more reassuring than the previous lady doctor I saw, so it was a great visit.  It was just what I needed to hear.  Now I just hope that my body and the baby cooperate, if possible, so that I go into labor on my own before I go overdue.  I really don't feel like I will last 2 more whole weeks (but that might just be wishful thinking!), but I also haven't had any indications that labor will be coming anytime soon.  We'll just have to see.  It's exciting that whatever kind of birth I end up with, we only have at most about 2 more weeks of waiting!!

This week is a busy one.  David has his graduation from his rotation program on Wednesday night, and if I haven't had the baby by then, I get to go to the graduation dinner and celebrate with him.  I'm excited -- it's been a long road!  David's mom and my mom are also coming out to help this week, and I have another dr's appointment and a drive up to MD to finish up our lease paperwork.  I hope the next update will be a "we're going to the hospital" or "we've had the baby" post!

1 comment:

KB. said...

Hahaha. I love the beach ball tacked on!!

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