Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We woke up yesterday morning to a winter wonderland outside. About 3 inches of snow had fallen overnight. It was beautiful! The boys were so excited. It took me about 30 minutes to get them all into their snow gear (I'm sure by February I'll be much faster!), and then we headed outside. Jack and Thomas were running around and literally squealing with delight. They made snow angels, threw snowballs, played on the piles of plowed snow, and helped me build 1/3 of a snowman (our full snowman had a "mishap" while Jack and Thomas babysat him when I ran upstairs to get a carrot for the nose!).

We're supposed to get more lake effect snow at the end of this week -- the boys can't wait for David to get out there and play with them in the snow, too.

Peter is going to take a little while to warm up the idea of snow, I think. He kept giving it disapproving looks, and he really didn't want anything to do with it. He had mittens on, but he kept taking them off, and then he got mad that his hands were wet and cold, so I would put his mittens back on, and the cycle would begin again. Peter was at his happiest when I pulled out his stroller and gave him his cookie blanket so he could watch while we worked on the snow man!


KB. said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great pictures!!!

I can also totally picture Peter in your description. So funny!!

Noree said...

Oh my gosh! So cute!

Peter looks like a little puff ball!


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