Saturday, December 12, 2009


This morning was cold but sunny and clear, so we took the boys to a nearby park for their first sledding experience. It was a blast!! Jack was a pro from the start, and he liked going as fast and as far as possible. Thomas took a little while to warm up to it, but by the end he was having a great time. Peter, much to my surprise, climbed onto one of the discs and sat down all by himself, waiting for a push down the hill! David gave him a little push and he sailed down the hill, a huge smile on his face. He had impressive balance!

The park we chose had just bunny hills, which was perfect for our first sled outing. I think next the next time or two the boys will be ready for some steeper slopes and faster rides!
And in other big news ... Jack has his first loose tooth!! It's one of the front ones on the bottom, and it's just the tiniest bit loose, but he's very excited. And I can't believe he's old enough to be losing teeth and getting in his adult teeth -- how did that happen?


KB. said...

I laughed...and I cried!!

Laughing because those videos are awesome and am so glad the boys (even Peter) are having so much fun sledding...

but crying because of that loose tooth!! Aack! I feel so far away! I have to get out there and see them! They are growing up and I feel like I'm missing it :(

Well, I'm sure Jack will be determined to get that loose tooth out! Maybe the San Diego tooth fairy can send something over too!

Love you all!

Noree said...

Oh my gosh!

This is so cute!

I can't beleive Peter sledding! Ha Ha Ha!

Great videos!

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