Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One fell off and bumped his head...

Last night Thomas took a flying leap off of Jack's top bunk (literally! He told me he was jumping "really hard" up and down and then fell over the edge onto the floor).

He wasn't even supposed to be in their room -- Jack was in time-out, and the door was locked from the outside, but Thomas snuck in there while I was fixing dinner to visit the imprisoned. And then I heard a terrible crash, Jack shouted out that Thomas had fallen, and I rushed in there to see Thomas crying hard on the floor.

My first thought was "no more broken bones, please!", so I checked over his arms and legs, but they seemed OK. Thankfully, no protruding bones or obvious deformations. He was understandably scared by the fall, but it was hard to tell how hurt he really was. At first he said his knee hurt, and then he said his head hurt. I had him lie down on the couch so he could calm down and I could figure out if anything was really hurt. But as soon as I put him on the couch, he got pale, confused, his skin got clammy, and he started trying to fall asleep. Ack!! I kept thinking "concussion!".

Thankfully, David basically walked in the door from work at this point, so he took charge of Jack and Peter while I whisked Thomas off to the ER.

On the way to the ER, Thomas perked up considerably and was his usual chatty self, and he said he wasn't tired anymore. I thought about turning around and coming home, but I was still worried, and I didn't want to ignore a possible head injury, so I went ahead and took him into the packed ER and signed in.

We waited maybe an hour, until close to 7PM, but it became obvious that we would be waiting there for a long, long time. There were people that had been waiting for 5 hours and still hadn't been seen (and these people looked a lot sicker than Thomas, who at that point was totally himself again).

So, I decided to sign us out and come home. The nurse said to bring him back if he started vomiting or crying uncontrollably, but agreed that we were wise to go home and get some sleep. Thomas had a late dinner and got to go to bed later than his brothers (he enjoyed that privilege!), and we checked on him later that night and he seemed fine. Today, he is completely normal -- no bumps or bruises even, and he says everything feels fine!

All I can say is ... thank God for guardian angels -- he must have had his, and maybe he borrowed his brothers' for a minute, too -- helping him land him safely on the floor. That top bunk is close to 6 feet high, and he *jumped* off of it, so I can only imagine how much worse things could have been.

So, Thomas is banned from the top bunk for quite a while (at least a year), and if we need to remove the ladder during the day to keep him off of it, then we will

No more Thomases jumping on the bed!! :)


KB. said...


Beetah! Those boys are gonna remit all your purgatory with their antics! So much worry!! I'm glad everything is ok and we'll keep praying for him!!

GrammyG said...

Oh My Gosh!!
By the Grace of God, nothing broken and no injuries.
It must have been scary for you, especially when he got pale and sleepy. I pray it scared Thomas enough that he won't try that again.
I think you are having more "adventures" than you expected.
We will keep you all, as always, deeply in our prayers.
Love and safety to all

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, I just read your Nov. 24th posting. Ouch!!!Thank God Thomas is ok. I hope he learned his lesson. Good thinking on your part for taking him to the er right away/ Do you have an Urgent Care near you? Maybe that would be bettr than an er. I am so anxious to see you Saturday. I miss you soooo much. Plus, I love you soooo much. Give all (4) the boys a big hug and kiss for me please. Tell David I think he is just terrific for watching the children for your weekend trip. Can't wait to see you. Love and kisses, G G

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