Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another name idea

Thanks to my Dad ... Lafawnduh Campbell. :). Spelled just that way, too! I'm not sure which middle name would go best, though -- Lafawnduh Tina Campbell? Lafawnduh Deb Campbell? Lafawnduh Dianamite Campbell?

In other news, Thomas managed to break our printer. Admittedly, we don't have a very good kid-safe place for it right now. I could move it up higher onto the desk, but I don't think it would be completely out reach even then. Anyway, Thomas managed to open the top of the printer and pull out some sort of transparent ribbon thing. It didn't look essential to printing (it wasn't located near the printer cartridges or electrical cables or anything), but the printer knows it's missing and it won't print. Fortunately, I have an older printer that still works, so we're using that for now, but I need to take the other printer in to get fixed because it reads our camera memory cards and prints out photos nicely. Hopefully it will be an easy fix!

Tomorrow the tree trimmers are coming to give haircuts to our 2 mulberries out front and to some trees overhanging our roof and carport, and also our apricot tree. I'm excited!! I'll admit that I'm mainly excited for the "free" entertainment that Jack and Thomas will have while watching the tree trimmers through our front window! And it will be nice to have the mulberries trimmed so we have more sunlight in the front yard -- it may end up being the best place to grow some of the fruits and vegetables that I'm planning for our spring/summer garden.


KB. said...

haha...silly Thomas. Sorry that your printers broken, I guess that's not all that funny. But hearing about the crazy antics of my nephews always makes me laugh.

GrammyG said...

Maybe Thomas is going to be like Poppi and try and find magnets in all working things. Maybe he was just trying to figure out how the printer worked. Boys that I have known have been known to destroy things trying to find out how they work. Sorry for the poor printer.
I hope the tree trimmers made the boys day exciting and yours a little brighter.
Hope to hear some u/s news, also continued prayers that all is going as planned.

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