Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 Despite my best intentions to post more frequently, here we are several weeks into Lent and I'm just now getting back around to it!  We have a fairly quick pace here at the Campbell household, and I can never quite seem to stay on top of everything.  But, we are all well and thriving.  We have been blessed with excellent health this winter, and the boys are all doing well.  Davy started eating rice cereal this past week, and he seems to enjoy it.  Jack and Thomas are doing very well in their school studies.  Peter continues to wear his giraffe costume every chance that he gets :), and he is as adorable and feisty as ever.

I am doing well, just a little busier than I'd like.  David and I have been discussing whether or not I should continue to homeschool next year, so we are trying to sort that all out.  It's so hard to know what is best for our family!  I pray that we are able to arrive at a clear decision and be at peace with it.  I love so many aspects of homeschooling, but there are some drawbacks and I often feel stretched thin with trying to meet the physical, educational, spiritual, etc. needs of 4 small people all day long.  I love it, but I suppose the grass always looks a little greener ...  I know there are lots of pros and cons to public schooling also, and we just need to sort out which pros and which cons are critical for us.

I hope to back here soon with more photos and updates!

The boys and I made a crown of thorns out of cinnamon playdough for Lent.  Everytime someone does a good deed or makes a small sacrifice, they can remove a "thorn" from the crown. 

Davy is getting closer and closer to sitting up.


Victoria said...

Oh, Kathy, what lovely pictures! I can't believe how big Davy is getting! He is so handsome :) It's funny how strong the family resemblance is, but how he also manages to look like his own little dude. I love the 'Crown of Thorns' idea. I'm assuming that one also gets to eat part of the 'crown' when they do a good deed? (I'm hoping that's the case, because it looks so delicious.)

I can't wait for future posts! I miss you all!

KB. said...

Davy looks so different than a few months ago! I can't believe he's eating food already! Time is flying by! I miss you all so much!

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