Friday, February 17, 2012

Overdue update

How can it be almost Lent already?  I still feel like I'm catching up from Christmas! Truth be told, I still feel like I'm catching up from October -- our month of Life Changing Events.  :). 

We're all well here in the Campbell household, just busy.  I keep waiting for when things will settle down and get less busy, but I have come to realize that I don't think that's going to happen, at least not for a while!  So I am coming to an uneasy peace with all the things I'd like to do but don't have quite enough time for -- updating this blog being one of them.  If my Lentern plans go as I hope they will, I'll be getting up a little earlier in the morning and hopefully that will give me a few extra quiet moments to put a couple of thoughts and a picture togther here.  Wish me luck!

Speaking of quiet moments, mine is nearly up already! I will close by putting up a couple of recent pictures. Hopefully I'll be back in a few days with more updates.

Davy learned to roll over!

Doing school outside on an unusually warm winter day.

Playdough outside.

Newly baptized!


GrammyG said...

Oh how we wish we could be there! We are missing you so very much! Thank you so much for the picture update, such a very handsome and precious family!!!
Lots of love and hugs!!

kmartinic said...

Everyone looks great!... is that red that we see in Davy's hair?