Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tying up loose ends

We're just a couple of days away from finishing off Jack's school work for 1st grade, and all of us are looking forward to summer break.  It has been a great school year.  There were some bumps along the way (stubborn teacher + stubborn kid don't always mix well) -- but Jack has done really well these past 2 quarters, attitude-wise and he has really learned a lot this year.  I feel like we can continue to homeschool successfully if that ends up being the best decision for our family, depending on where we move after October and what schools are available.  We're going to celebrate the end of the school year with a trip to Chuck E Cheese on Friday!

Today we had a full day of appointments -- a 3-year well check for Peter and an eye doctor appointment for Jack. Peter's appointment went great.  He's right on track for everything.  He proudly told the nurse-practictioner "I'm wearing underwear!", and then he went on to describe the colors of David's and my underwear (I guess he takes notes when looking at the laundry basket)!  The nurse-practitioner thought it was hilarious :).  Man, that kid has a sense of comedic timing.  Peter is usually very reserved with strangers, so for him to decide to be chatty during the appointment at all was a surprise, but then for him to pick the subject of underwear was just too much.  He's a firecracker, that one.

Jack's eye appointment went well, and he definitely needs glasses.  They should arrive in about 10 days, and then he'll be wearing them pretty much all the time.  Thankfully, his eyes are healthy -- he's just very near-sighted.  The doctor told him that he'll be able to see much, much better once his glasses arrive, so I'm eager to see how much of a difference he notices.  He picked out some stylish metallic-blue glasses with a little bit of camoflage detail on the sides.  They look great on him!  Now the trick will be to make sure he takes good care of them and they don't accidentally get broken or misplaced.

Other than that, we're all doing well.  The baby (who still doesn't have a name yet, but we're working on it) is doing very well.  He's active and it's nice to be able to feel kicks every day.  Although, it does sometimes feel like a crazed squirrel is trapped inside me!  I'm eager to meet this little guy, but at the same time I really want to enjoy the next 3 1/2 months and make the most out of them.  The boys are all getting more and more independent (first time with no one in diapers in 7 years!), and I'm able to get enough sleep (not that I always do, but I certainly could get 8 or 9 hours a night if I really wanted to), and I want to savor these things before we have a newborn to care for again.  Hopefully my body will cooperate and I won't get too tired/big/achy to go on some fun adventures with the boys this summer.

We continue to look forward to mid-August, which is when we should have a better idea about where we'll be living next.  David has been working hard on cultivating good leads on potential offers.  I'm oddly calm about the whole thing, which I'm grateful to God for.  October will be one wild month, but there really isn't anything can do about it now except put one foot in front of the other and try to juggle everything as best I can. 

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