Sunday, June 14, 2009

He did indeed enjoy the cupcake

Peter *inside* the table, where the glass is supposed to go. We had to remove it because he just wouldn't leave it alone!

"Hmm, I have no response to those."

"You've never let me have dessert; I know those aren't for me."

"If you insist, I guess I'll try a bite."

"You love me, you really love me!"

"Can you believe this stuff?!?"

"Yay!" [wild babyclaps]

"The name of the game is to put as much into your mouth as possible without a) ripping the paper or b) actually touching it with your hands."

"Eating cupcakes is no laughing matter, Mom. It's serious business."

We waited until yesterday to give Peter a cupcake because David got home too late on Peter's actual birthday. With David's help, Jack and Thomas decorated the cupcakes with icing and sprinkles, which was almost as fun as eating them! Peter did enjoy his cupcake thoroughly -- he kept looking around like "Where the heck has this stuff been these last 12 months?". It reminded me of Kim's retelling of Michael's reaction to his first big-boy bath -- like an incredulous "You've been keeping this from me?!?" kind of look :).

I didn't have a chance to write what Peter has been up to lately in my last post (since the little man himself had just woken up from his nap) ... so I'll do it now. He is getting faster and faster at crawling, but I can tell he's also thinking about cruising and walking. He pulls up really well and will often let go with one hand, so his balance is improving, but he has yet to take any steps while holding on to something.

Between his reach, determination, and speed, he is very good at grabbing books, toys, Legos, etc. that he's not really supposed to have. It's a constant battle to keep forbidden things out of his reach (and his mouth).
Peter has started playing a new game that he likes to call "Boom". He drops/throws an object, looks up with a twinkle in his eye and says "Boom!". It's cute, and I like to play along, except for when the object is a) any sort of food or b) teeny tiny teething tablets that I'm trying to give him in the middle of the night when his teeth are bothering him.
I enjoy all kid ages for different reasons, but I'm really loving Peter's one-ness :). He seems to already have a good sense of humor about things (if that's possible for a one-year-old) -- he has this knowing look in his eye and almost a wry smile that seem to communicate an amusement with everything around him. I love it!


KB. said...

Peter DOES have a knowing look in his eye!! He's a wily little fella and SOOOO adorable!

I'm so glad the cupcake went over so well! I can't wait to give Michael his big boy cupcake!

The pictures of the older boys are so cute too! The one of Thomas is so striking! He looks so grown up!!

Noree said...

Peter is getting cuter and cuter.
I love the picture with the caption, "you really love me". that caption goes with that perfectly!

GrammyG said...

As always, your comments to pictures are brilliant. You really should write a book, (in your spare time).
What a grown up little man Peter is.
It is so precious to see all the boys together and the way they react to one another.
Precious family indeed.

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