Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Present and Past

I'm trying to be better about keeping current with photos of the boys (admiring Kim's gorgeous photos of Michael spurs me on!), so here are some I took over the last couple of days:

Peter looks like he has a little pot-belly in this photo...

But somehow he looks a little less beefy with just a diaper on :).

You can just see two little teeth-bumps on his bottom gum in this photo.

It was cute watching Thomas and Peter play together. Thomas would build a little stack of blocks, and Peter would promptly knock them down.

And, for a blast from the past, these are photos of Jack and Thomas when they were about the same age as Peter is now (7 months):

"Are you kidding me?!?" Even at this young age, Jack was telling it like it is.

Looking back at photos made me realize how "on the go" Jack was, even early on -- he was crawling and pulling up by now! I've heard people say that the 2nd and later kids sometimes get moving earlier because they're trying to keep up with their older siblings, but neither Thomas or Peter has been nearly as eager to get moving as Jack was (and that's still true to his personality today!).

Thomas was such an adorable little beef-cake! Look at those cheeks!

This was his favorite pose for a long time --
he always looked like he was just lounging around by the pool.

It's hard for me to tell if Peter favors either Jack or Thomas's looks more strongly. To me, he just looks like Peter!


Victoria said...

That's so funny, Kathy! I was also wondering whom Peter looked like. The boys are so clearly brothers, but they also each have such distinct looks! They are such beautiful...er, handsome...boys. You and Dave have done wonderfully by them. I am so glad you've had the time to post more pictures--it's great to have the chance to keep up with your family from the other side of the country :)

GrammyG said...

Most precious pictures!!
It is becomming clear to me that Peter is looking a lot like Thomas as he ages.
You have such handsome and wonderful young men. What a wonderful vocation you have chosen.
Great job with a precious family.
Keep it up.
Love to all

GrammyG said...

I really loved seeing the pictures from the past and the present.
GG also enjoyed the updated pictures and agreed, that Peter looks alot like Thomas.
What a most handsome and precious bunch you have there.

KB. said...

Ahhh!!! TOOO MUCH CUTENESS!! I love it!

Peelo is so beefy and happy!

And the pictures from the past...man oh man. I love it!

Jack was really on the go and Thomas...always has been and still is a little bear!

Noree said...

So cute! Great post.
I think Peter really looks like a cross between both the boys.

I love the lounging picture of Thomas! :)

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