Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting His Coiffure in Order

A quick aside -- when will this kid grow eyebrows? He was given more than his fair share of head hair, but after nearly 7 weeks is still eyebrowless!

Directly after a bath and thorough combing of the hair. You can tell that the hair is already trying to rebel against any respectable style.

"My hair!". Peter's hair settles into its true wild and crazy nature.


Noree said...

AWW! Kathy he is SO cute! I love his head of hair!

He doesn't need eyebrows, with big beautiful blue eyes like his!

Apple Valley Gilmores said...

He definitely is a cute kid, even without eye brows. If you get to feeling too bad about his lack of brows you could always use a marks-a-lot (suggest washable type) and try different looks. Uni-brow, Vulcan bow, etc.

Meantime, you don't need Ellen Maire to get a 1,000 "classic shots." Your boy are priceless and very photogenic!

Apple Valley Gilmores said...

If you bottle some pumpkin juice from your garden and sell it as Baby Hair Potion, you'll make a million! He looks that good!

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