Thursday, October 10, 2013

Good heart appointment

Claire's heart appointment went well yesterday. She does have 3 small holes in her heart -- 2 between her left and right ventricles and one between her atria, but the cardiologist said they are small enough and in the right places that they should close on their own over time, and they shouldn't cause her any problems. So, we'll go back when she is 1 year old for a follow-up to see how the holes look, and other than that, she's in great shape! She weighed in at 9lb 8oz, so she is definitely starting to plump up a little. Otherwise, this week has been going better than I expected it would. The bigger boys have been very good -- doing their homework well and having pretty good attitudes, and Peter has been doing great with him homeschool work. Davy has not taken a nap so far this week, so he is starting to look (and act) a little ragged, but there's not much we can do except wait for him to adjust to less sleep and dial back his bedtime. He is actually hanging in there pretty well, considering. David and I are kind of stumbling around, tired and dazed, but we're doing well :).

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