Saturday, July 17, 2010

Garden of the Gods

We went to this beautiful park maybe a little while ago, but with all the hubbub I never got around the posting the pictures. It was lovely! I hope we get back there to see more of the trails before our time in Colroado is up.

Speaking of which, I can't believe we have less than 3 months left here! I know we have lots more exciting adventures ahead of us in other parts of the country, but I'll miss Colorado. We have a few more must-sees before we leave town, though:

1. The Florissant Fossil beds and quarry (you can find your own real fossils and take them home!)

2. The Donut Mill (home of apparently exceptional and ginormous donuts)

3. The Colorado State Fair in late August (fair food!)

4. A visit to the Air Force Academy

5. More fishing

... and I'm sure there's a few more but I can't think of them at the moment!

Other than whittling away at our must-see list, we're enjoying the summer weather and more relaxed schedules. The boys have 2 more weeks of T-ball, and then I'm thinking about putting them in one more summer swim lesson at the YMCA. I thought I'd get more chances to swim with them at our community pool, but I'm not brave enough to take all 3 boys there by myself during the week, and our weekends have been busy lately. Once Jack and Thomas become more confident swimmers, I'll happily take all 3 to the pool, but the thought of trying to keep all 3 of them safe in the water at this point, when I only have 2 hands, is too nerve-wracking to consider!
Right now, David is at the movies seeing Toy Story 3 with Jack and Thomas. This is their first-ever movie theater movie! They were pretty excited as they were leaving the house -- I look forward to hearing all about it when they get back home. Peter is still napping, so the house is very quiet!

1 comment:

GrammyG said...

That is so cool that Jack and Thomas went to a theater. I hope they enjoyed the experience.
The pictures are beautiful, it looks like Peter has aged. He just looks grown up there.
I think I have finally realized I have to get back to life, instead of thinking of the lovely vacation we all had. We must do it again, soon.
Love to all

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