Monday, May 18, 2009


David (with two eager helpers) set up bunk beds yesterday after Mass. I'm not sure which was more exciting for Jack and Thomas ... the bunk beds themselves, or being able to help David assemble them! David was so patient, letting them bring him tools, putting in screws, etc. They were in heaven.

Last night was the first time they slept in the beds, and after some monkeying around, they did actually settle down in their own beds for the night. So far, no one has tried to taking a flying leap off of the top bunk ... hopefully they never do. Thank you, GG, for the awesome beds!!


KB. said...

Wow! Those beds are awesome!! What a great birthday gift! I bet bedtime was never so much fun :)

GrammyG said...

So awesome! What a great project. I am sure the boys really enjoyed helping David.
From the pictures, it looks like a nice piece of solid furniture. Job well done.
I can't wait to see them and see how the boys enjoy their new beds.
Love to all

GGMyrna said...

WOW! What a great bed. I am so happy to see such a long guard rail. I don't think the boys will be falling out of this bed (please God) Poor Peter. he wont be able to see Mommy from the top. I hope Jack and Thomas will enjoy the bed though.

I hope you have a great time on y0ur trip. Give hugs and kisses to all. I love you all very much. Please be careful and have fun. Hopefully we can see you soon.
Love GG

Unknown said...

aww... how cute!
it looks like they are going to have a lot of with those bunk beds.

such cute little boys.

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