Monday, July 27, 2009

Rich with children

Michael and Peter seem to enjoy the diversity of their respective hair-dos J.

A few months ago, I was out with Jack, Thomas, and Peter, and an older woman commented on the boys and said “You are rich with children.” Her comment really hit home, especially in its stark contrast to the most common remark the boys and I get: “You sure have your hands full!”. While it may be true that I have my hands full, and I’m not afraid to admit it, there can be a certain negative tone to the question that rubs me the wrong way. Sometimes, if it’s said just right with a friendly smile, it’s fine, but I’ve also gotten a few “You must be crazy!” intonations that are irritating.

The “rich with children” comment just sits right with me. I feel very blessed with our children and I would much rather be rich in children than rich in possessions or even time. Yes, it’s a lot of work and sacrifice and sweat and tears to try and bring them up right, but the joys and laughter and fullness of heart definitely outweighs all that.

Now, we are very excited to be even richer in children – our fourth child is due in mid-March! I am hopeful that this pregnancy goes well. My doctor prescribed progesterone shots because my progesterone was ridiculously low (and low progesterone can trigger a miscarriage). I am very grateful that we caught the low progesterone fairly early, but I’m still worried that the shots won’t be enough or something else will go wrong. It doesn’t help that I don’t feel any morning sickness yet – I know every pregnancy is different, but I still worry that I don’t have morning sickness because this is a “weak pregnancy” or something like that. Besides the progesterone shots, there isn’t anything more I can do to help protect the pregnancy, so I am trying to offer up my worries and leave everything in God’s hands. I’m also trying hard to enjoy this pregnancy and the excitement in knowing that I am carrying a tiny person in me right now, even if something bad does happen down the road.

On the plus side, my worries about this pregnancy have made me appreciate my three boys all the more – the miracle of their conception and development and birth, and the fact that they have all been so healthy. It has also been fun listening to their opinions about this baby. Jack is positively convinced that it will be a girl. He respectfully requests a sister. J. He has also excitedly pointed out that my tummy is getting bigger, which it really shouldn’t be at 7 weeks of pregnancy, but then again after this many pregnancies, my muscles probably go into pregnancy mode a microsecond after my positive test!

Anyway, I’ve seen the baby’s heartbeat on ultrasound, but I will feel quite relieved when we can hear it on Doppler in a few weeks, God willing. Please keep us in your prayers!